
The Sheldon’s City of Music All-Star Chorus presents its first ever solo student recital! The program will be live-streamed to Facebook and YouTube from The Sheldon stage. Enjoy a mix of classical pieces, pop covers and original compositions, performed by talented young singers from across the St. Louis region.

Led by Maria A. Ellis, The Sheldon’s City of Music All-Star Chorus is a select group of singers from across the St. Louis region that prepares students for the future, whether or not they pursue a career in music.

Students in the chorus reap many benefit, including:

  • Fostering a passion for learning music
  • Engaging in virtual classes
  • Learning music reading and theory skills
  • Virtual performance opportunities
  • Individual voice lessons
  • Connecting with mentors and fellow singers from throughout the St. Louis area
  • A resume boost for college applications


This concert will stream live on The Sheldon’s Facebook and YouTube pages. Click the links below to tune in!

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Watch on YouTube

The Sheldon’s City of Music All-Star Chorus Spring
May 2, 2021
4 p.m.
Voice Instructor: Maria A. Ellis
Accompanist: Nathan Sisson-Coleman


Eve Hill, senior
Metro Academic And Classical High School

Retrospect (Original Composition)
Lyrics and Music: Eve Hill

One Night Only
Lyrics: Tom Eyen Music: Henry Krieger

Domonic Smith, senior
Central Visual and Performing Arts High School
Voice Instructor: Mr.Charles Butler

Deep River
Arranged by: H. T. Burleigh

Kyla Gerhardt, sophomore
Granite City High School


I’d Rather Go Blind
Music: Ellington Jordan


Music: Jessica Reedy

Ava Irlbeck-Whitson, junior
Grand Center Arts Academy

Sebben, Crudele
Composer Antonio Caldara (ca. 1670- 1736)

Sebben, crudele Although, cruel love
Mi fai languir you make me languish,
Sempre Fedele I will always
Ti voglio amar. Love you true.
Con la lunghezza With the patience
Del mio servir of my serving
La tua fierezza I will be able to tire out
Sapro stancar your pride.

Take Me Away (Original Composition)
Lyrics and Music: Ava Irlbeck-Whitson b. 2004

Kenya Nash, senior
Kipp St. Louis High School

Black Butterfly
Lyrics: Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil

I Have Nothing
Words and Music: Linda Thompson and David Foster

Natalie Welborn, senior
Grand Center Arts Academy

American Lullaby
Words and Music by Gladys Rich

Amour Jones, senior
Clayton High School
Voice Instructor: Mary Noel Prince

Words and Music: Lin-Manuel Miranda

Ah! Mio Cor
English Poem: Dr. TH Baker Composer: George Federico Handel (1683 – 1751)

Ah! mio cor, schernito sei. Ah! my heart! You are scorned
Stelle, Dei, Nume d’amore! Stars, gods, divinity of Love!
Traditore, t’amo tanto, Traitor, I love you so much;
Puoi lasciarmi sola in pianto? can you possibly leave me alone in tears?
Oh Dei! puoi lasciarmi, Gods, why?
Oh Dei, perché?

Caitlin Coddington, senior
Pattonville High School

Se tu m’ami 
Composer: Alessandro Parisotti (1853 – 1913)

Se tu m’ami, se sospiri If you love me, if you sigh
Sol per me, gentil pastor, Only for me, dear shepherd,
Ho dolor de’ tuoi martiri, I am sorrowful for your sufferings;
Ho diletto del tuo amor, yet I delight in your love.
Ma se pensi che soletto But if you think that
Io ti debba riamar, I must in return love only you,
Pastorello, sei soggetto Little shepherd, you are subject
Facilmente a t’ingannar. To deceive yourself easily.
Bella rosa porporina The beautiful purple rose
Oggi Silvia sceglierà, Will Silvia choose today;
Con la scusa della spina With the excuse of its thorns,
Doman poi la sprezzerà. Tomorrow, then, will she despise it.
Ma degli uomini il consiglio But the advice of the men
Io per me non seguirò. I will not follow –
Non perché mi piace il giglio Just because the lily pleases me,
Gli altri fiori sprezzerò. I do not have to despise the other flowers.

Fighting For
Lyrics and Music: Caitlin Codd (b. 2002)

Arissa Ford, junior
Riverview Gardens High School

Strange Fruit
Words and Music: Lewis Allan

Work That
Written by: Mary J. Blige, Sean Garrett, and Theron Feemster


Special Thanks To:

Centene Charitable Foundation and our other generous donors

Jermaine Manor, for the amazing Masterclass with the chorus students

The parents and students for all of their hard work during this challenging year

Katelyn Galenski and The Sheldon staff for making sure Monday rehearsals were safe and healthy

Accompanist extraordinaire, Nathan Sisson-Coleman

And a very special thank you from The Sheldon to Maria Ellis for her hard work, dedication and passion.


The Sheldon’s City of Music All-Star Chorus is made possible by the Centene Charitable Foundation and many other generous donors.