Sound Studio

The Sheldon is thrilled to announce Sheldon Sound Studio, a new hands-on STEAM program exploring the science, art and technology of sound, created especially for sixth, seventh and eighth grade classrooms. Participation in the pilot year, which begins January 2024, is available at no cost to participating schools thanks to generous support from PNC Arts Alive.

Participating classrooms will receive six interactive lesson plans and instructional videos as well as 10 contact microphones, a guitar cable and a mini amplifier to use in their final sound art project.

The Sheldon Sound Studio curriculum correlates to science and art Missouri Learning Standards for grades 6-8 and features presentations and instruction from local educators and artists including Syrhea Conaway, Jacob Lewis, Kareem Deanes and featured sound artist Brett Williams.

Registration for Spring 2024 is full, but we are accepting waitlist applications. Please stay tuned to this page for future updates on Sheldon Sound Studio!

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